Lymes - Index

Lymes aren't particularly new to the punk scene around Vic, but they've still managed to fly under the scanner a little bit. Maybe because they're from Ballarat but don't hold that against them. You might have seen them play under the name Lime Lagoons or even LLGoons, considering they've played with some great bands (AusmuteantsNOTSTerryThe Living Eyes).

These guys have just put out a 5 track tape and it just fucking rips. Taking cues from ConeheadsUranium Club and Liquids who are all killing it in the US right now. Honestly this isn't even really a review, I just think anyone who reads this should be listening to these guys. 

But if you must have a few words, try these:

It's pure bliss hearing the bass roll in at the beginning of Breaking is a Memory, it kicks off a fairly non-stop 10 minutes of slamming drums & slicing guitars. The production on this is great, it's cleaner than the aforementioned Liquids and Coneheads but still has enough to grit to hold it's own against those guys. Human Limits is simply rambunctious and you'll be hooked on these guys before you even make it to the end of the tape.

I'm out of ways to tell you to listen to this. 

I'll leave you with the big finish and the only piece of information you need to remember.

Lymes are the only band in Ballarat that matter right now. 

Listen to Index here:


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