Phaedo - Osmosis

Sharp and lo-fi like those that came before them, Phaedo have birthed an EP that is tough, rough and lively.

Osmosis stops just short of 30 minutes in length which is pretty long considering it's comprised of 7 tracks, but time doesn't work against the Geelong 5-piece psych rock kids. The songs are feisty but the band manage to hold the aggressive song-writing back to give the songs a natural cadence where necessary. 

Kicking off proceedings, Morals garners all of the band's intensity and channels it straight into your breadbasket. Behind You offers little reprieve, incorporating a really dancey riff - you know what I mean if you've heard it. That riff just dances over top of the rhythm to give you some groove and some passion. Most good songs are made of either groove or passion - definitely a step in the correct direction. It's quite a  refreshing track due to the effervescence of that riff. 

Pathway to Virtue is a pretty Geelong sounding track, what with the Tiny Giants sounding chords and the Gizz-like guitar quips. Not necessarily a bad thing, but Phaedo works best when exploring the unknown. 

The EP rocks it's way through Osmosis and Rendered Invalid before arriving at 7 minute monolith, A Crack You Call A Window. The middle section of this song, where the band breaks down is truly great. An exciting display of what the band are capable of when they hit the zone. My only quandary is the fact that they take so long to get there. 

All in all, the EP is a success for Phaedo. They've fired a shot with Osmosis and have promised to return even bigger next time out. 

Essential Listening:

Behind You



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